PhD Thesis
Between 2007 and 2011 I worked on my PhD thesis about magnetic nano and micro structures at the Institute of Applied Physics in Hamburg (University of Hamburg, Germany). I developed a mask technique which allows the growth of epitaxial nano structures.
PhD Thesis
Diploma thesis
I wrote my Diploma thesis "Photoelektronenspektroskopie an Metallclustern" (2006) in Prof. Ganteförs group at the University of Konstanz, where we investigated catalysis effects on small gold clusters.
Laboratory classes
Here you can find all the lab classes I attended during my studies in Konstanz (2001-2006). Unfortunately, almost all AP (Anfänger Praktikum) reports (24 reports) were written by hand, so I cannot publish them here. In the second half of the AP, we (two groups of 6 students) became part of the first group of PP (Projekt Praktikum) students at the University of Konstanz, where we worked on four different complex experiments, which we did write down.
Projekt Praktikum
In the FP (Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum) section you can find all my reports on these more advanced experiments. Furthermore there are some small programmes and scripts that wrote to analyze the lab data.
Fortgeschrittenen Praktkum
Seminars and Talks
Here you can find some of my presentations and reports for seminars.
Seminars and talks