About Moritz Bubek

I studied physics in Konstanz and did my PhD in Hamburg. I am interested in all kind of technology and like to connect hardware with software solutions. I like to play beachvolleyball and I love all kind of sports.

PGP public key


If you don't trust the world you should send me encrypted messages. Or just check if it's really me. Here is my PGP/GPG public key with the corresponding fingerprint

Moritz Bubek: moritz {at} bubek {dot} org
Download Public GPG Key
Fingerprint: B6C9 E387 0335 B751 2FD5 362B 543C EA9F 3C1B 068F


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All content created on the domain moedule.de as well as bubek.org is subject to copyright. Contributions of third parties are marked as such. The reproduction, editing and use outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author.